The ARX Project
Archaeology Research and Exploration
San Miguel Ixtapan
Recovering a 5-ton megalithic slab
By Marco M. Vigato on December 4, 2021

San Miguel Ixtapan, Mexico
We are happy to announce the successful recovery and transportation of the largest of the megalithic stone slabs from the area of San Miguel Ixtapan, whose fragments were found at a ranch a few kilometers from the archeological site earlier in 2021.
The whole operation was coordinated by archeologist Victor Osorio, Director of the archaeological site of San Miguel Ixtapan, and the ARX Association, in collaboration with the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and the Secretary of Culture of the State of Mexico.
This would not have been possible without the generous contribution of the 45 amazing donors who donated to our fundraising campaign in support of the conservation of the archeological site of San Miguel Ixtapan during the month of November.
The utmost care was taken to remove the slab's fragments, lift and transport them to the archeological precinct of San Miguel Ixtapan, where they were later reassembled and put on display in a safe spot very close to the main entrance to the site.
Different options are presently being analyzed for giving the fragments a more permanent location inside the site museum and for their restoration.
It is a testament to the exceptional ability of the ancient megalithic builders of the site that even to this day over ten people equipped with ropes and levers, a truck and a bulldozer were needed to move each fragment of the slab.
It is estimated that the complete slab would have weighed between 3-5 tons. The style of the geometric carvings on the block is entirely unique in Mesoamerica and may hint to the possibility of ancient contacts with South America. Over a dozen similar slabs have been found and documented in the area of San Miguel Ixtapan, their origin and function still shrouded in mystery.
We hope that with the additional funding collected through the campaign, more of these mysterious stone slabs can be recovered and put on display, while research into the question of their origins continues.
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